
It is common in classrooms to ask students to pay attention, to be quiet and to be respectful of each other. Often without the expected result. We know that the practice of mindfulness involves providing students with certain skills that make it easier for them to perform these behaviors that we ask them. Since it is likely that they do not know the best way to carry them out or the pleasure that lies in them.

Al igual que otros ámbitos importantes de la sociedad, la educación también ha sido un foco de investigación en el campo de la meditación. Y aunque todavía se encuentra en su infancia, ya existe una amplia bibliografía académica sobre los usos y beneficios de la Consciencia Plena en el ámbito educativo. Yo personalmente (Luis) realicé mi tesis doctoral en este ámbito, donde el alumnado de las clases de “A” de 3º a 6º del colegio Torresoto (Jerez) realizó prácticas de Consciencia Plena cinco minutos diarios durante 5 meses, mejorando en atención, creatividad, rendimiento académico (calificaciones), así como su clima de aprendizaje (Control de Impulsos y Aceptación de Iguales) con respecto a las clases del grupo “B” que no meditaron.

Puedes acceder a las meditaciones que usé en la tesis pinchando en el siguiente botón. Sería un honor que las practicases personalmente, con los miembros de tu familia o con tu alumnado.
Descarga la Tesis Doctoral

El programa que proponemos está dirigido a profesores, padres y personal escolar. Para que se sientan capacitados para implementar prácticas de Consciencia Plena en el ámbito escolar y familiar.

The practices taught are designed to be integrated into the daily schedule (about 5 minutes). At the same time showing how to apply Conscious Education implicitly in the rest of the academic curriculum.


Currently there is an educational movement that pursues a warmer and more humanistic education. The practice of meditation brings us closer to this pedagogy, facilitating the development of attitudes such as gratitude and compassion, both for others and for oneself.

Ideal conditions for implementation

Like many other teachings, the effect is stronger if the message is unambiguous and consistent with other areas. Therefore, we encourage both parents and other school staff (apart from teachers) to participate in the inclusion of Mindfulness in the school, and have at least some basic notions of Mindfulness through an introductory session.

Mindfulness work works from the inside out, so it is necessary for the teacher to be involved in its practice. Even if it only involves five minutes a day.



Improved learning climate.

Increased attention span and concentration.

Ability to relax.

Emotional regulation.

Greater satisfaction. Better self-esteem.

Greater creativity.

Greater capacity for empathy and relationship.

Better rest.


Better use of the class by the students.

More moments of peace and harmony in the classroom.

It helps to create a more genuine and enriching relationship with the students.

Better management of stress and other psychophysical symptoms.

Fathers and Mothers

Facilitates an intimate and genuine connection with the child.

It helps to respond calmly instead of reacting.

Improves psychological and physical functioning.

I want to emphasize that the influence of meditation goes beyond the management of stress and other symptoms, and moves towards the development of the most sublime capacities of the human being. Its application in the school environment is a magnificent gift to all.

Entrenamiento para tu colegio, equipo o para ti mismo/a como docente.

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