[vc_row][vc_column][trx_sc_title title_style=”default” title_align=”default” title=”Mindfulness Educación” subtitle=”” description=”” scheme=”inherit” id=”” class=”” css=”.vc_custom_1606150115969{margin-bottom: 5.5rem !important;}” link=”” link_text=”” link_image=””][vc_column_text]Es común que en las aulas se le pida al alumnado que atienda, que esté en silencio y que sea respetuoso entre sí. Muchas veces sin el resultado esperado. Sabemos que la práctica de mindfulness implica dotar a al alumnado con ciertas habilidades que les facilita realizar estas conductas que les solicitamos. Ya que es probable que no conozcan la mejor forma de llevarlas a cabo ni el placer que reside en ellas.
Like other important areas of society, education has also been a focus of research in the field of meditation. And although it is still in its infancy, there is already an extensive academic literature on the uses and benefits of Mindfulness in education. I personally (Luis) did my doctoral thesis In this area, where the students of the "A" classes from 3rd to 6th grade of the Torresoto school (Jerez) practiced Mindfulness five minutes a day for 5 months, improving their attention, creativity, academic performance (grades), as well as their learning climate (Impulse Control and Peer Acceptance) with respect to the "B" group classes that did not meditate.
You can access the meditations I used in the thesis by clicking on the photo. I would be honored if you could use them personally, with your family members or with your students.
The program we propose is aimed at teachers, parents and school staff. So that they feel empowered to implement mindfulness practices in the school and family environment. The practices taught are designed to be integrated into the daily agenda (about 5 minutes). At the same time it is shown how to apply Mindful Education implicitly in the rest of the academic curriculum.
Currently there is an educational movement that pursues a warmer and more humanistic education. The practice of meditation brings us closer to this pedagogy, facilitating the development of attitudes such as gratitude and compassion, both for others and for oneself.
Like many other teachings, the effect is stronger if the message is unambiguous and consistent with other areas. Therefore, we encourage both parents and other school staff (apart from teachers) to participate in the inclusion of Mindfulness in the school, and have at least some basic notions of Mindfulness through an introductory session.
Mindfulness work works from the inside out, so it is necessary for the teacher to be involved in its practice. Even if it only involves five minutes a day.
- Improved learning climate
- Increased attention span and concentration
- Ability to relax
- Emotional regulation
- Greater satisfaction. Better self-esteem
- Increased creativity
- Increased capacity for empathy and rapport
- Better rest
- Better use of the class by the student body
- More moments of peace and harmony in the classroom
- Improved management of stress and other psychophysical symptoms
- Helps create a more genuine and enriching relationship with the student body
- Facilitates an intimate and genuine connection with the child
- Helps to respond calmly rather than reactively
- Improves psychological and physical functioning
Quiero hacer hincapié en que la influencia de la meditación va más allá de la gestión del estrés y otros síntomas, y se traslada hacia el desarrollo de las capacidades más sublimes del ser humano. Su aplicación en el entorno escolar es un magnífico regalo para todos.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space alter_height=”medium” hide_on_mobile=””][vc_cta h2=”” txt_align=”center” style=”3d” el_width=”md” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Rellena este breve formulario” btn_style=”custom” btn_custom_background=”#08469b” btn_custom_text=”#ffffff” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_css_animation=”flipInY” btn_link=”url:%2Fformulario_mindfulness%2F|||”]
If you would like training for yourself, your peer group or your school
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